Avalanche - AVAX

As of Date: 17 Sep 2021
Rank: 13
Name: Avalanche (AVAX)
Blockchain: AVAX / AVAX C-Chain (Own)
Transfer Network Fee: 0.00196 AVAX = 0.12 USD
Launched: 2020
Website: https://www.avax.network/
Whitepaper: https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers
Market Capital: 13,607,823,676 USD
Price History: 2.8 USD (Dec 2020)
Current Price: 63 USD

Short Term: 97 ~ 105 USD
Mid Term: 117 ~ 125 USD
Long Term: 146 ~ 185 USD

Price at Market Cap
40 Billion USD = 181.5 USD*
400 Billion USD = 1815 USD*
* As per current circulating supply

The Crypto Coins


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